haha. i must be way too bored. AUDREY u can probably guess where i am now. first try of the day.
this test is way too addictive for my liking.
ida posted at 11:01 AM
Monday, February 25, 2008
Went blading with Audrey, Huang, Bren and Wanching at East Coast last friday. Audrey and i've been talking bout getting down to blading for eons, so we set a date for friday. and later, wanching and bren both wanted in, and huang confirmed too. so it was the five of us (:
Audrey and i met up earlier before heading down to parkway to meet the rest. and I THOUGHT i was gonna be late. turned out everyone else was fashionably late. wanching had somethin on earlier so we headed down to east coast first.
me and huang (while waiting for the arrival of the GREAT WANCHING.) haha.

We rented our blades and after the initial few baby steps, kinda got the hang of it soon. thats after all the initial shrieking (esp. bren's) haha. she shrieked whenever she saw i slipped or somethin. then i would think she fell TOO. -.-
it was the first time i've bladed in bout.. 4 years? since my last pair of blades were discarded i just never bought another pair. was never really that into blading i guess. haha. but it was fun once i got the hang of it.
poor huang was a tad too tensed, i would glance back to check everyone's there and see her lagging right behind. but i know she tried her best considering how freaked out she was bout falling! but thinkin bout it, think she barely fell. i think? haha. we told her she's been too dependent on keith. thats why despite the fact its her 3rd time blading in the last 3 months (?) she was still too freaked to blade faster! haha. =p
"Fifth time with the bunch of girls and I WAS STILL THE MOST UNSTABLE AND SLOWEST. :("
aww. its ok u'll get over it the next time. =D
me, bren, huang and audrey

for some weird reason, one of us suggested taking this shot. despite me going, "but they're all rented." hahaa. well apart from audrey's at least. since that seasoned blader brought her own pair.
We bladed all the way to the seafood restaurants area. its odd we recommend tourists to go there for chilli crab all the time, but i actually can't recall when was the last time i've been there. the irony.
We had to blade down this slope, and when we turned around, we saw huang plonked down on the path cross-legged, refusing to get up till we bladed back. "ITS A SLOPE!!!" hahaha omg i was urging audrey to snap a shot of her in that position in an attempt to get huang to lift her ass off the path. heh. anyway, so i bladed back up and offered to hold her arm and blade down together with her.
and guess what.
her legs got wider apart as we bladed down, and it got tangled with mine. -.- so she fell first, then since i've lost control already, just made sure i bladed towards the grass before i fell. the other 3 couldn't stop laughing, while i laughed till i teared. haha. they described my fall as "graceful". like they were watchin it "slow-mo" or somethin. -.-
well, then we embarked on our long road back, but it started pouring. so we had to take cover in this tiny pavilion, crashing someone's party. =X haha. they snapped this shot for us. our hair were all wet and straggled over our faces, but i dont think it comes across very clearly in the picture. and for some reason, it looks like it was sunny, when it was actually pretty dark. hrm. haha.
colleages (: the five!

and huang, you're WELCOME. hahaha. since u thanked me for helpin u downhill =D im sorry we ended up sprawled on the ground though. hahaha.
An exerpt from huang's post:
"But most of the time audrey and ida were speeding ahead, then there was brenda in the middle and wanching and me at the back. HAHA.
And throughout the day everyone was telling me to not be so tensed. ROAR. :X "
haha gosh i relish quoting from huang's posts. its hilarious. in a positive manner of course, huang. honestly! =p
After we've returned our blades, huang went home while the 4 of us had dinner at parkway. we were so dead tired i think we looked like zombies at the table. haha. then we had scoopz, since audrey mentioned it at the beginning that we should have it after dinner. ran into a number of people at parkway too. Took a bus back with audrey, and i showed her my prized piece from 2000. HAHA. she should know what im talkin bout.
have a good week everyone (:
Audrey and i met up earlier before heading down to parkway to meet the rest. and I THOUGHT i was gonna be late. turned out everyone else was fashionably late. wanching had somethin on earlier so we headed down to east coast first.
me and huang (while waiting for the arrival of the GREAT WANCHING.) haha.
We rented our blades and after the initial few baby steps, kinda got the hang of it soon. thats after all the initial shrieking (esp. bren's) haha. she shrieked whenever she saw i slipped or somethin. then i would think she fell TOO. -.-
it was the first time i've bladed in bout.. 4 years? since my last pair of blades were discarded i just never bought another pair. was never really that into blading i guess. haha. but it was fun once i got the hang of it.
poor huang was a tad too tensed, i would glance back to check everyone's there and see her lagging right behind. but i know she tried her best considering how freaked out she was bout falling! but thinkin bout it, think she barely fell. i think? haha. we told her she's been too dependent on keith. thats why despite the fact its her 3rd time blading in the last 3 months (?) she was still too freaked to blade faster! haha. =p
"Fifth time with the bunch of girls and I WAS STILL THE MOST UNSTABLE AND SLOWEST. :("
aww. its ok u'll get over it the next time. =D
me, bren, huang and audrey
for some weird reason, one of us suggested taking this shot. despite me going, "but they're all rented." hahaa. well apart from audrey's at least. since that seasoned blader brought her own pair.
We had to blade down this slope, and when we turned around, we saw huang plonked down on the path cross-legged, refusing to get up till we bladed back. "ITS A SLOPE!!!" hahaha omg i was urging audrey to snap a shot of her in that position in an attempt to get huang to lift her ass off the path. heh. anyway, so i bladed back up and offered to hold her arm and blade down together with her.
and guess what.
her legs got wider apart as we bladed down, and it got tangled with mine. -.- so she fell first, then since i've lost control already, just made sure i bladed towards the grass before i fell. the other 3 couldn't stop laughing, while i laughed till i teared. haha. they described my fall as "graceful". like they were watchin it "slow-mo" or somethin. -.-
well, then we embarked on our long road back, but it started pouring. so we had to take cover in this tiny pavilion, crashing someone's party. =X haha. they snapped this shot for us. our hair were all wet and straggled over our faces, but i dont think it comes across very clearly in the picture. and for some reason, it looks like it was sunny, when it was actually pretty dark. hrm. haha.
colleages (: the five!
and huang, you're WELCOME. hahaha. since u thanked me for helpin u downhill =D im sorry we ended up sprawled on the ground though. hahaha.
An exerpt from huang's post:
"But most of the time audrey and ida were speeding ahead, then there was brenda in the middle and wanching and me at the back. HAHA.
And throughout the day everyone was telling me to not be so tensed. ROAR. :X "
haha gosh i relish quoting from huang's posts. its hilarious. in a positive manner of course, huang. honestly! =p
After we've returned our blades, huang went home while the 4 of us had dinner at parkway. we were so dead tired i think we looked like zombies at the table. haha. then we had scoopz, since audrey mentioned it at the beginning that we should have it after dinner. ran into a number of people at parkway too. Took a bus back with audrey, and i showed her my prized piece from 2000. HAHA. she should know what im talkin bout.
have a good week everyone (:
ida posted at 8:36 PM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
kwann made me attempt this. dee thinks she's a freak. i kinda think so too. bet she could spend an entire hour attempting this. tsk.
86 words
ps: dee rocks my world. =X haha.
best performance of both nights, i reckon. haha.
86 words
ps: dee rocks my world. =X haha.
best performance of both nights, i reckon. haha.
ida posted at 11:23 PM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
damnnnn. he's good. i like his voice. haha.
ohoh. and remember him? haha.
i think im an american idol addict. crap.
happy valentine's (:
ohoh. and remember him? haha.
i think im an american idol addict. crap.
happy valentine's (:
ida posted at 6:33 PM
Thursday, February 07, 2008
damn. i detest being ill. much less on the eve of chinese new year! all those goodies.. so near.. yet so unattainable. bahh. haha anyway that was yesterday, was feelin like shit. so headed to see the doc early in the morn, got an mc and antibiotics before i headed for work, 9 hour shift till 11.30pm. freakin torturous. but i felt better towards the end of my shift, so that was great. think it was the ultra strong antibiotics kicking in. haha. audrey reckons i totally overworked myself. ok, so not ONLY audrey thought so. so did everyone else. mum was like, "i was gonna see how long you could last." mannn. well, worked 6 days last week, gave tuition on my only off day and had a 10 hour shift the following day.
so audrey came over to my place on monday to play tennis! hahaha. we've been speculating bout doing so since SEC 4, but never got down to doin so. and she blamed it on me not wanting to play tennis with her. come on. hahaha. it was fun! i have to admit, she made vast improvement in an hour! heh. PLUS she stopped spinning one complete round after hitting a shot. hahahhahaha. she argued that the racket was too heavy. excuses. tsk, audrey. haha. you could refer to audrey's blog for more details and her take on things. haha. then she went up to my place and tinkled on the piano for awhile while i bathed then we headed to the cathay to get tickets for 27 dresses! ok, it was a hard fight between 27 dresses and atonement, which audrey really wanted to catch. but i heard its pretty monotonous! so.. we decided the risk shouldn't be taken. had lunch at ajisen, before we caught the movie. it was a typical chick flick, the sort i would watch and forget, but hey. thats what happens for almost every movie with me. almost. haha. i ran some errands for my mum, got my nails painted then we headed home.
i worked yesterday and today, which is cny eve and 1st day of cny, but hey. i took tmr off. so least i get to spend the 2nd day with my family (: haha. then its back to work on sat and sun. at least i finish work earlier on sat. i totally need to rest more. fell asleep on the sofa just now, while harry potter was on. haha. they screen harry potter like 5 times a year. overkill.
anyway, work's been pretty good. rather interesting. apart from having to do closing shift on tues that is. that shift totally killed me. fell ill right away the next day. anyway, while i was waiting to see the doc, i saw tj ppl running the annual road run on the pavement outside! made me feel a tad better bout the state i was in. muahaha.
ooooh, at work today, wanching xingying and i suddenly realised we had to get down to see the A380 since we haven't seen it yet, despite having worked at transit in terminal 3 for like 2 weeks now. haha. so we ran to the spot, and waited patiently for the A380 to land. no big deal actually. didn't look much different. "looks like a pregnant plane." o..k. hahaha.
ok this should do for now, this's my first picture-less post in a long time i realised. the bluetooth connection between my mac and phone's a tad cranky, so oh well. pics of audrey will have to wait till next time =D hahahaa. oh, was watching american idol just now, and man the last audition was pretty jaw-dropping. i half-expected him to bomb at the auditions..
but mann. i actually really really like his rendition of Proud Mary. haha.
oh, happy chinese new year everyone!
everyone keeps chiding me for not taking care of myself. bahhh. its not like i wanted to fall ill either. haha.
hope everyone gets a good harvest at cny this year ;)
oh. and i think katharine mcphee put up the greatest audition in bout 3 seasons.
so audrey came over to my place on monday to play tennis! hahaha. we've been speculating bout doing so since SEC 4, but never got down to doin so. and she blamed it on me not wanting to play tennis with her. come on. hahaha. it was fun! i have to admit, she made vast improvement in an hour! heh. PLUS she stopped spinning one complete round after hitting a shot. hahahhahaha. she argued that the racket was too heavy. excuses. tsk, audrey. haha. you could refer to audrey's blog for more details and her take on things. haha. then she went up to my place and tinkled on the piano for awhile while i bathed then we headed to the cathay to get tickets for 27 dresses! ok, it was a hard fight between 27 dresses and atonement, which audrey really wanted to catch. but i heard its pretty monotonous! so.. we decided the risk shouldn't be taken. had lunch at ajisen, before we caught the movie. it was a typical chick flick, the sort i would watch and forget, but hey. thats what happens for almost every movie with me. almost. haha. i ran some errands for my mum, got my nails painted then we headed home.
i worked yesterday and today, which is cny eve and 1st day of cny, but hey. i took tmr off. so least i get to spend the 2nd day with my family (: haha. then its back to work on sat and sun. at least i finish work earlier on sat. i totally need to rest more. fell asleep on the sofa just now, while harry potter was on. haha. they screen harry potter like 5 times a year. overkill.
anyway, work's been pretty good. rather interesting. apart from having to do closing shift on tues that is. that shift totally killed me. fell ill right away the next day. anyway, while i was waiting to see the doc, i saw tj ppl running the annual road run on the pavement outside! made me feel a tad better bout the state i was in. muahaha.
ooooh, at work today, wanching xingying and i suddenly realised we had to get down to see the A380 since we haven't seen it yet, despite having worked at transit in terminal 3 for like 2 weeks now. haha. so we ran to the spot, and waited patiently for the A380 to land. no big deal actually. didn't look much different. "looks like a pregnant plane." o..k. hahaha.
ok this should do for now, this's my first picture-less post in a long time i realised. the bluetooth connection between my mac and phone's a tad cranky, so oh well. pics of audrey will have to wait till next time =D hahahaa. oh, was watching american idol just now, and man the last audition was pretty jaw-dropping. i half-expected him to bomb at the auditions..
but mann. i actually really really like his rendition of Proud Mary. haha.
oh, happy chinese new year everyone!
everyone keeps chiding me for not taking care of myself. bahhh. its not like i wanted to fall ill either. haha.
hope everyone gets a good harvest at cny this year ;)
oh. and i think katharine mcphee put up the greatest audition in bout 3 seasons.
ida posted at 11:17 PM